Tianjun Sun, Ph.D.

#iopsych #personality #psychometrics #quantmethods


Tianjun Sun

Assistant Professor, Industrial-Organizational Psychology + Quantitative Methods

Curriculum vitae

Department of Psychological Sciences

Rice University

472 Sewall Hall
Rice University, MS-25
6100 Main Street
Houston, TX 77005 USA

Tianjun Sun, Ph.D.

#iopsych #personality #psychometrics #quantmethods

Department of Psychological Sciences

Rice University

472 Sewall Hall
Rice University, MS-25
6100 Main Street
Houston, TX 77005 USA


Research Interests 
  • Personnel selection (e.g., faking, bias, machine learning applications, responsible artificial intelligence systems) 
  • Individual differences (e.g., bright/dark personality, vocational/leisure interest, social/interaction behavior) 
  • Research methods (e.g., structural equation modeling, multilevel/longitudinal design/analysis, big data approaches) 
  • Applied psychometrics (e.g., item response theory, computational measurement, adaptive learning/testing) 
  • Cross-cultural psychology (e.g., multi-group variability/invariance, tech-based/large-scale assessment) 

Applications of NLP to Human Resource Management: From Word Dictionaries to Large Language Models

Emily D. Campion, MICHAEL A. Campion, Amal Chekili, Ivan Hernandez, Ashley Sylvara, Tianjun Sun, Kayden Stockdale, Siyi Liu, Ammar Ansari, Louis Hickman, Andrew Speer, James Perrotta

Academy of Management Proceedings, 2024

Mixed-Keying or Desirability-Matching in the Construction of Forced-Choice Measures? An Empirical Investigation and Practical Recommendations

Mengtong Li, Bo Zhang, Lingyue Li, Tianjun Sun, Anna Brown

Organizational Research Methods, 2024

Perception is reality? Understanding user perceptions of chatbot-inferred versus self-reported personality traits

L. Yuan, Tianjun Sun, Alan R. Dennis, Michelle Zhou

Computers in Human Behavior, 2024

Practical Considerations for Worker Uses of AI in Organizations

Emily D. Campion, Tianjun Sun, Ashley Sylvara, Samuel Cain, Kate McLean, Moana Sargent, Emily Gregg, Lauren Bidwell, Caitlyn Sendra

Academy of Management Proceedings, 2024

Sexual Harassment Research at Work: Perspectives From Around the World

Catherine Deen, Shannon Rawski, Jana L. Raver, Angela Workman-Stark, Ivana Vranjes, Zhanna Lyubykh, Sandy Hershcovis, Lilia Cortina, Carla Chrusch, Jennifer L. Berdahl, Yijue Liang, Tianjun Sun, Renee McCauley, I. Saqib, Aparna Gonibeed, Saleema Kauser, Marianna Fotaki, Sara Charlesworth

Academy of Management Proceedings, 2024

A Diary Study in Gig Workers’ Psychological Detachment After Receiving Complaints

Yijue Liang, Tianjun Sun, Ze Zhu

Academy of Management Proceedings, 2023

Estimating the Multidimensional Generalized Graded Unfolding Model with Covariates Using a Bayesian Approach

Naidan Tu, Bo Zhang, Lawrence Angrave, Tianjun Sun, Mathew Neuman

Journal of Intelligence, 2023

How well can an AI chatbot infer personality? Examining psychometric properties of machine-inferred personality scores.

Jinyan Fan, Tianjun Sun, Jiayi Liu, Teng Zhao, Bo Zhang, Zheng Chen, Melissa Glorioso, Elissa Hack

Journal of Applied Psychology, 2023

Improving measurement and prediction in personnel selection through the application of machine learning

Nick Koenig, Scott Tonidandel, I. Thompson, Betsy H. Albritton, Farshad Koohifar, Georgi P. Yankov, Andrew Speer, Jay H. Hardy, Carter Gibson, Chris Frost, Mengqiao Liu, Denver McNeney, John Capman, Shane Lowery, M. Kitching, Anjali Nimbkar, Anthony Boyce, Tianjun Sun, Feng Guo, Hanyi Min, Bo Zhang, Logan Lebanoff, Henry Phillips, Charles Newton

Personnel Psychology, 2023

Improving the Statistical Performance of Oblique Bifactor Measurement and Predictive Models: An Augmentation Approach

Bo Zhang, Jing Luo, Susu Zhang, Tianjun Sun, Don C. Zhang

Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal, 2023

The Generalized Thurstonian Unfolding Model (GTUM): Advancing the Modeling of Forced-Choice Data

Bo Zhang, Naidan Tu, Lawrence Angrave, Susu Zhang, Tianjun Sun, Louis Tay, Jian Li

Organizational Research Methods, 2023

Workplace Gossip: An Integrative Review of its Antecedents, Functions, and Consequences

Tianjun Sun, Pauline Schilpzand, Yihao Liu

Journal of Organizational Behavior, 2022

autoFC: An R Package for Automatic Item Pairing in Forced-Choice Test Construction

Mengtong Li, Tianjun Sun, Bo Zhang

Applied Psychological Measurement, 2021

bmggum: An R Package for Bayesian Estimation of the Multidimensional Generalized Graded Unfolding Model With Covariates

Naidan Tu, Bo Zhang, Lawrence Angrave, Tianjun Sun

Applied Psychological Measurement, 2021

Faking Detection Improved: Adopting a Likert Item Response Process Tree Model

Tianjun Sun, Bo Zhang, Mengyang Cao, F. Drasgow

Organizational Research Methods, 2021

Small but Nontrivial: A Comparison of Six Strategies to Handle Cross-Loadings in Bifactor Predictive Models

Bo Zhang, Jing Luo, Tianjun Sun, Mengyang Cao, F. Drasgow

Multivariate Behavioral Research, 2021

Smarter people analytics with organizational text data: Demonstrations using classic and advanced NLP models

Feng Guo, Christopher M. Gallagher, Tianjun Sun, Saba Tavoosi, Hanyi Min

Human Resource Management Journal, 2021

Matches Made With Information: Fitting Measurement Models to Adult Attachment Data

Tianjun Sun, R. C. Fraley, F. Drasgow

Assessment (Odessa, Fla.), 2020

Though Forced, Still Valid: Psychometric Equivalence of Forced-Choice and Single-Statement Measures

Bo Zhang, Tianjun Sun, F. Drasgow, O. Chernyshenko, Christopher D. Nye, Stephen E. Stark, L. White

Organizational Research Methods, 2020

“Meh!”: Examining Midpoint Endorsement Habitude (MEH) in Survey Research

Tianjun Sun, Bo Zhang, W. M. J. Phan, F. Drasgow, B. Roberts

Academy of Management Proceedings, 2019
